What Causes Dark Spots On Your Skin?

Are you experiencing dark spots on your skin? Wondering what’s causing them and how to get rid of them? If so you’re in exactly the right place because in the next minute you’re going to learn the not-so-very-well-known answers to all 3 of these questions.  Don’t let dark spots on your skin frustrate you. Take action now.

Why Are You Experiencing Dark Spots On Your Skin?

Your skin naturally makes a pigment called melanin. If your skin had no melanin it would be completely white – like someone who was suffering from albinism. However if your skin makes too much melanin it can cause you dark spots and uneven skin tone.

Dark spots on your skin can be caused by 1 or all 3 of these reasons;

  • Because you’re living in a city/high pollution area
  • Due to unprotected sun exposure
  • As a consequence of damage to your skin i.e. a cut or spot/acne

It helps to know the cause of your dark spots so you can help prevent against future dark spots. Although lightening and brightening skincare can help fade away dark marks, avoiding or pacifying all 3 triggers will help your whitening skincare be even more effective.

How Pollution Can Cause Dark Spots On Your Skin

It wasn’t until 2016 that scientists figured out pollution could cause you to develop dark spots on your face. Pollution particles are mostly invisible to the naked eye so they can be damaging your skin even when you think you’re safe. Studies also show minute pollution particles are able to burrow into deeper layers of skin and the longer your skin’s not cleansed for, the deeper they go.

Pollution particles are oxidants meaning they’re pro-ageing to skin. Living in a high pollution area can mean your skin’s natural level of antioxidants are depleted faster.

Antioxidant skincare like our Kojic Acid & Papaya Skin Brightening Body Lotion can help your skin’s antioxidant reserves recover.

How Unprotected Sun Exposure Can Cause Dark Spots On Your Skin

UV light is the most well known cause of skin darkening. Not only can UV light cause your skin to tan, it can also cause your skin to develop dark spots. As UV light is an oxidant it can cause your skin cells to age i.e. to struggle to work as well as they once did. When your skin develops dark spots, areas of skin are unable to naturally distribute melanin pigment. This causes a clumping of melanin which will continue to persist unless you use skincare to help correct it.

Often you might hear these kinds of dark spots called age spots or sun spots, but unprotected sun exposure can also cause much bigger areas of darkness/pigmentation.

You’ll want to use an SPF cream daily to help protect against them – why not try our SPF 30 Kojic Acid & Papaya Skin Brightening Body Lotion?

How Acne Can Cause Dark Spots On Your Skin

If you’re below the age of 30 and have dark spots on your skin acne scarring is likely the reason why. Dark spots caused by pimples, breakouts and acne are a consequence of what’s called post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, you might also see this abbreviated to PIH. Acne and all other types of spot (apart from blackheads) cause inflammation inside of your skin. It’s why spots become red, raised and angry.

When skin becomes inflamed it means your skin’s immune function has been activated. One of the ways your skin acts to help protect and repair the area is by creating more melanin pigment. This darkening of surrounding skin helps provide an extra percent of UV protection.

Acne scars which form from mild or moderate acne may naturally fade over 2 to 3 months, however acne scars from severe acne may take significantly longer. You can help fade yours faster by using lightening skincare actives daily – visit our shop to choose yours now.

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